Here are simple tips for you to make that perfect cup of coffee at home. Starting from the coffee you buy, the flavors you add to the coffee brewing techniques. So, are you ready?
1- Buy good quality beans
It is important to buy fresh beans that are just roasted. You can buy whole beans to avoid having a flavorless taste or buy grounded coffee from roasters that roast coffee upon your order.
2- Use clean water
Coffee is water. Hence, make sure to use extra filtered clean water to enjoy the nice coffee taste and avoid tap water which includes chlorine and minerals, and will affect your coffee taste.
3- Scale your coffee
To avoid ruining your coffee by adding a small amount or extra amount, it is best to use a scale to measure your coffee. Using the wrong measure will affect the final results of your coffee.
4- Check your brewing temperature
You will need to adjust the water temperature to get the perfect cup of coffee to about 200 degrees Fahrenheit. Having too hot or too cold water will affect the extraction of the coffee compounds.
5- Store your coffee
Storing your coffee properly is important as it will affect your next cup of coffee. Make sure to store your coffee in an airtight container as the moisture will ruin the coffee. Also, don’t leave the coffee in the fridge, instead, leave them at room temperature.
6- Steam your milk
If you’re making a Cappuccino or Latte, then it’s best to steam your milk for an extra smooth texture. You can either steam it using the milk frother in your machine or you can buy an electric milk frother.
7- Clean your coffee-maker
Whether you’re using a grind and brew, French press, cold brew, or Espresso coffee maker, it is critical to clean your equipment after every use to avoid any oily build-up that will affect the taste of your coffee.
8- Use good filters
Use good quality paper filters which has “oxygen-bleached” or “dioxin-free” on them. Cheap filters will not work effectively and will add residues and sometimes can add paper taste to your coffee.
9- Spice up your coffee
Nourish your coffee with flavors. You can use syrups, add pieces of chocolate, whipped topping, or spices like ground lavender, cinnamon, nutmeg, and cardamom.
10- Drink your coffee immediately
Don’t leave your coffee in the brewer too long. Once it’s ready pour it in a cup and drink it within 30 minutes to enjoy the freshly brewed coffee taste.